Will You Experience Flow this season?
Flow is a state of total absorption where your attention is fully focused on the task at hand. In skiing this means you are completely immersed in the activity and your mind and body are working in harmony to produce a performance that is effortless and efficient. The experience is joyful and often leaves you feeling energised and motivated to do more. Time appears to slow allowing you to execute your movements, and the resulting curves, with accuracy and power. You feel a complete sense of control.
Hugh Monney, is his blog ‘The journey from chaos to formlessness’ says,
“sometimes the performance feels so simple, so integrated and so connected to the environment that there seems to be all the time in the world for every aspect of each curve.”
This is a beautiful reminder that even though flow is an altered state of consciousness, the mind and body are always connected and accessing ‘flow’ allows the body to perform at its best in the environment where the activity is taking place. And when that environment and activity are complex, as in skiing, the result is one of immense enjoyment with a wonderful sense of achievement.
Perhaps this describes the kind of experience you have had many times before when skiing? Maybe it sounds like an experience you would like to have but have never achieved? Or it is something you have experienced but it was fleeting, and you don’t know how to find it again?
What if there was a tool that could help prepare you for more flow experiences this winter season?
Would you want to use it?
Well that tool now exists
Introducing the NEW Flow cards
The NEW digital ‘Flow Cards’ are that tool, and they will help you;
· To better understand flow
· To put the building blocks in place with the activating foundations
· To recognise the six characteristics of the experience
· And crucially, to develop nine habits that will increase the likelihood of you experiencing flow not only in skiing but in other areas of life as well
So, will you experience flow this season?
Click here for more info and to get your set of flow cards for your smart phone, or other electronic device, meaning you can use them on and off the mountain.
And don’t forget to book your sessions with us in Chamonix to make sure you get the time slots and dates you want.