British Alpine Ski School - BASS

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Learning how to learn

Learning how to learn is the key skill.

If you make progress with this, everything else will change.

The first point to make here, is that it’s helpful to identify the common ways in which people can obstruct their own learning. You can use that knowledge to turn the tables, which will help you to get out of your own way.

Overcoming obstacles to learning

Learning can be challenging and uncomfortable. Some people take to it more easily than others.

For example, denial is a natural reflex that’s designed to save us the trouble of changing. But, if we want to learn and develop, we need to change.

Sometimes people feel threatened and insecure when facing up to the need for change. Learning means changing, however.

So we need to change.

How can you manage this process better?

Here’s the link to the appropriate chapter of the Ski Performance Breakthrough book, which sets out some of the main processes involved.

Please help yourself to the free download. I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you to achieve seamless progress in all of your projects!

Best regards,
