Will you find 'flow' this winter?

When was the last time that you had an awesome run? Where everything worked and seemed effortless as you skied? Where you were completely focused and absorbed in the activity.

Have you ever been skiing when the whole session has just passed by so quickly or where a lesson has ended and you don’t know where the time went?

If you have experienced any of the above then the chances are that you were in a ‘flow state’ or what many athletes refer to as ‘being in the zone’. Flow is in fact a recognised psychological state that has both foundations and characteristics of the experience. The great thing is that the ‘foundations’ are all controllable by you and/or your coach so you can actually create the conditions that make this state more likely to occur.

Flow has many benefits. Being so absorbed in what you are doing helps you to learn more quickly. It makes you less self-conscious. It creates memorable experiences or magic moments that leave you feeling elated. Plus many more…

Sports, and in particular skiing, are great activities for finding flow. At BASS Chamonix we run specific performance days aimed at helping you to understand and find flow in your skiing performance.

If you would like to read more about flow then check out BASS Chamonix Director Derek Tate’s book Learn, Enjoy, Flow & Grow which not only tells you all about flow but provides a coaching method that you can apply to your life both in sport and all others areas. This is a comprehensive and detailed self-help book that will inspire and motivate you to do more, learn more, get outside of your comfort zone and really enjoy life.

We look forward to skiing with you and helping you find your flow.

BASS Chamonix Directors Shona and Derek Tate


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