All bookings with the British Alpine Ski School and for our series of clinics throughout the Alps and elsewhere, are subject to these conditions.
This contract will be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, English law. Clients attending our courses must pay the appropriate fee in full, before joining the class.
No contract will exist until we issue a receipt, accepting your payment. Buy making payment you agree to the terms and conditions in this document.
The contract shall be between the client and the independent coach and governed by BASS.
All BASS coaches are members of a syndicate and have independent liability insurance.
All prices may be subject to revision.
Payment Terms: All lessons are to be paid in full at the time of invoice by bank transfer, cheque or by card. (Please be aware there is a 2.5% surcharge on all card payments) All prices quoted by BASS and paid for by you are for coaching only. You must arrange and pay for separately all other potential costs connected with the lesson, for example, any equipment hire, lift passes, accommodation and insurance.
Cancellation: In the event of you cancelling your reservation for whatever reason, the following charges apply: More than 6 weeks notice – 80%% reimbursement. 2 to 6 weeks notice - 50% reimbursement. Less than 2 weeks notice - 10% reimbursement. After arrival date - 0% reimbursement.
No refund will be given by the Ski School, in whole or in part, for unused lessons due to client late arrival, illness, accident, resort closure due to weather conditions or mechanical failure, or for any other cause outside the control of the Ski School. If we are unable to provide our services due to something outside of our control we will not give a refund, but we are happy to provide a letter for your insurance company. The Ski School reserves the right to cancel its lessons for a variety of reasons. Full refunds of unused lessons will be made in this instance.
Late Arrivals: The coach will wait a maximum of 30 minutes from the start time of a private lesson at the arranged meeting point unless notified by the client. The coach will wait a maximum of 5 minutes from the start time of a group lesson at the arranged meeting point unless notified by the client. In the event that late arrival leads to a missed lesson the conditions under "Missed Lessons" will apply.
Missed Lessons: There are no refunds or substituted lessons if a client misses a lesson for whatever reason. If a lesson has to be cancelled due to Coach injury or illness we will endeavour to provide a substituted lesson. If this is not possible a full refund will be given. Course places are not transferable.
Insurance: Most sporting activities have an element of danger and skiing is no exception. Please ensure that you are adequately covered by a comprehensive winter sports insurance policy. The ski school does not insure its clients. You are obliged to insure yourself for third party liability. We recommend that you arrange an appropriate policy, which also includes personal, medical, rescue and off piste insurance, with a licensed agent.
Weather: Although we would like to control the weather, we cannot be held responsible for things outside of our control, such as bad weather, piste or lift closure. If we are unable to provide our services due to something outside of our control we will not give a refund, but we are happy to provide a letter for your insurance company. We will not cancel lessons due to lift closures, weather or snow conditions. Clients should ensure that adequate insurance cover is in place to guard against such situations.
Childrenʼs courses: Safety is our main concern for your children. A child protection policy is in place and children will not be allowed to participate if not properly prepared for the sessions and mountain environment Age restrictions are in place for safety reasons. If we receive incorrect information about a childʼs age, they will be removed from the class with no refund
Children must be a minimum of 7 years old (Blue zone) 8 years old (Red zone) 9 years old (Black zone) at the time the course is to commence.
Children booked onto a course must already be able to ski the colour of slope indicated by the colour of the course. If you are unsure, please refer to our course levels displayed on our web site or ask at the time of booking.
The adult making the booking on behalf of the child must ensure that the above conditions are met. If either condition is not met, the coach will, for reasons of safety, refuse to allow the child to be part of the lesson. In this instance no refund and no substituted lessons will be given. If in any doubt please ask at the time of booking. The level of skiing will be assessed by the coach and their decision will be final.
Parents must provide a mobile number at the time of booking on which they can be contacted on during the children’s lesson time. If requested to do so. Parents must return to collect their child. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the course place without any refund and a fee equal to the cost of private lessons will be charged from the first minute of each hour until the child is collected.
We never ever leave children unattended and we do understand that delays may happen in the mountain environment, so we recommend that parents return to the meeting point in good time to collect their children. Parents returning later than 5 minutes after the scheduled end of the lesson to collect their children will be charged a late fee equal to the cost of a 1hr private lesson. Please call if you think you are going to be late.
Minimum numbers and course duration.
Junior Skier Courses: we require a minimum of 4 clients to allow these courses to run for the specified duration. With 3 clients we will deduct 1 day, 2 clients = 2 days deducted and 1 client will receive 5 hours of private tuition in place of the course. Outside of normal school holidays (Christmas, New year, half term and Easter) we run junior courses for 5 x 2 hours with a minimum of 3 clients. 2 clients = 1 days deducted and 1 client will receive 6 hours of private tuition in place of the course.
Adult Courses: We require a minimum of two clients to allow these courses to run for the specified duration. For all courses except junior courses, if only one person is booked we will upgrade to private lessons for 50% of the duration of the reserved course.
For reasons of safety if a client is unable to ski at the level of course they have booked they will not be allowed to be part of the lesson. If there is space in an appropriate level of group we will transfer the client to that group. If no other place is available no substituted lessons will be given. If you are in any doubt please see our levels on the web site or ask at the time of booking. The level of skiing will be assessed by the coach and their decision will be final.
We are obliged to take into account the prevailing conditions and the standards of our clients. We, therefore, establish our program of class times, venues etc. at the beginning of each week. These arrangements are always subject to alteration in the light of prevailing circumstances.
We will not be held responsible for the inflexibility of other services you may have booked or for the timings of social appointments you have made outside of our control. For reasons of safety, it is a condition of booking that you will respect the professional judgment of your coach at all times while you are in the class.
Clients should present themselves in a fit and safe condition for physical activity in the mountain environment. If, at any time during your course, you have cause for complaint, you must let us know immediately and we will endeavour to address the situation, to your satisfaction.
Stepski Snowsports Services Ltd is the booking agent for BASS and is in no way liable for the contract between the coach and the client. The delivery of the product, quality, Health & Safety management are the sole responsibility of BASS and BASS coaches.