British Alpine Ski School - BASS

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Reschedule January 2021 clinics

BASS Performance Breakthrough

Hi everyone,

I hope you are well and staying both active and positive.

It's great news about the developments with the Covid vaccines - I expect that some mRNA researchers will receive a Nobel prize at some stage.

So we have the promise of light at the end of the tunnel - it is still quite a long tunnel, though. It's unlikely that the vaccination programmes across Europe will cover the general population until Summer 2021.

Vaccination, along with revised travel and social protocols, should put us all in a much better place by late Summer 2021.

Where does that leave our arrangements for our January Performance Breakthrough clinics?

It seems that January will come too quickly to make international travel either safe or socially responsible, so let's re-schedule.

In the first instance, let's consider March 2021, just in case the situation improves rapidly and we're able to enjoy the mountains again in a way that is safe and responsible.

These may have to move to late Spring 2021, or even the following season if conditions improve and stabilise more slowly.

I'll stay in touch, please do the same.

Best regards,
