Equipment Hire
Discount from SkiHire2u
the only mobile ski and snowboard hire service in Châtel
The service we offer is to deliver and fit skis, boots, snowboards etc at your chalet and therefore your guests avoid the hassle and inconvenience of having to take a trip to the ski shop and often, particularly during busy times, having to wait in a long queue.
email: info@skihire2u.com
Tel: 00 33 (0) 6 87 48 97 92
'Pre La Joux Sports'
We have arranged a discount with Pre La Joux Sports for a 10% discount on equipment hire for anybody who books lessons with us the great advantage of Pre La Joux Sports is that they are less than 100metres from our meeting place and if you hire equipment for the week then you are able to leave the equipment at the shop overnight. Thus avoiding carrying your skis and boots to the chalet every evening. To get your discount just show the shop your lessons confirmation note or quote the confirmation reference number in your e-mail.
To be sure of getting the equipment click here to contact Pre La Joux Sports:
or e-mail prelajoux@orange.fr
4172, route de Pré-la-Joux
74390 CHATEL
Phone : +33 (0)4 50 73 06 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 50 73 35 21Vertical Horizons
We have arranged a discount with Vertical Horizons who are based towards the bottom of Chatel close to Linga they specialise in quality equipment hire.
Tel ( 0033 ) 04 50 73 38 91
Fax ( 0033 ) 04 50 81 36 42 E-Mail ; VERTICALCHATEL@aol.com
Home Cooking 2 u
Delicious home cooking delivered to your chalet, the food can be delivered to your freezer before you arrive or delivered fresh once you arrive.
MorrocanTagine, Thai Curry, Lasagne, Fish Pie, Chicken Casserole, Beef Bourgignon
Apple Crumble, Croissant Bread and Butter pudding, Fruit tart,
Carrot cake, ginger cake, spongecake, Fruit Cake
birthday cakes - can be decorated.
Please note orders must be placed and paid for a minimum of two weeks in advance
For more information please contact us via the following e-mail:homecooking2u@gmail.com