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BASS Chatel Adult Advanced course - Perfecting Parallel

Adult Group Lessons are specifically designed to help you relax, have fun and get the most from your skiing with other like-minded skiers, with courses for every level from first day beginner to black run expert there is a group to suit you.

The Perfecting Parallal course is for adults who have skeid for at least five weeks and are fine tuning their skiing and looking for new cahllenges in terrain and snow. The course runs for 3 days however we sometimes run this course for 4 or 5 days.

We believe that for the majority of learning situations a small group is a better learning environment, it allows for more interactive learning and provides opportunity for team learning processes which are often a lot more effective than a private lesson or (one to one).  Note if you are looking for a Private Instructor it might make sense to share the Instructor with a couple of friends which makes it more fun and also shares the cost.

Format : 3 days x 2 hours

Price: £174.00

Hugh Monney