BASS LES GETSYour Enjoyment Your SuccessOUR MISSION Enquire here! LESSONS with BASS LES GETS Featured BASS+ ADVENTURES ADULT COURSES PRIVATE LESSONS MINI, JUNIOR & TEEN COURSES PERFORMANCE CLINICS BASS PRO TRAINING Enquire here! “THE ONLY SKI SCHOOL WITH SOUL AND STORMING INSTRUCTORS” “BASS - THEY ARE AMAZING!” A REPUTATION FOR EXCELLENCE COACHING TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS BASS INSTRUCTORS ARE HANDPICKED,FULLY QUALIFIED, CERTIFIED TO ISTD LEVEL 4, WITH FULL FRENCH EQUIVALENCE STATE OF THE ART TEACHING TECHNIQUES ENquire here! MEET OUR TEAM CLIENT COMMENTS BASS Client comments Incredibly helpful, friendly and focused on helping me to be a better skie I learnt loads in my lessons and I noticed a real improvement in my skiing Fantastic experience AGAIN! Best skiing lessons I've ever had The small groups and really interactive teaching was miles better... The smaller groups and fantastic instructors made the whole week a fun experience Memories are made by good people who are true to their beliefs and care about each and every one of their clients. Thank you Tom and BASS. Happy skiing and keep up the great work. Incredibly helpful, friendly and focused on helping me to be a better skier. Fantastic experience AGAIN! BASS les gets BLOG BASS LES GETS BLOG Free ski passes for children Fabulous Half term snow conditions ARE YOU A DIGITAL NOMAD? Safety First - Test Your Ski Safety Knowledge With the Piste X Quiz When Is a Blue Run Not a Blue Run? What a View! Name this ski slope. Huge Fun with Les Gets Luge Run Les Gets Create a Wooden Ski Pass Risk-Free Reservations New for 2020! ARTICLES BASS Directors Articles LES GETS - THE PERFECT DESTINATION! GIVE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH A BOOST LESLEY SUMMITS MONT BLANC enquire here! CONTACT BASS LES GETSBASS ski award levelsTERMS AND CONDITIONSBASS LES GETS ACCOMMODATION PARTNERSTOWN AND SKI AREARecruitmentUSEFUL LINKSBass Les Gets francais