When Is a Blue Run Not a Blue Run?

Navigating a resort for the first time can be daunting even once you know the colour grading system for ski slopes.

Black runs are mostly over 40% gradient and are recognised as welcoming to only the most experienced of skiers. At the other end of the scale, green runs are usually wide and gentle, no steeper than 25% and provide the perfect place for novice skiers to develop their skills.

However, it’s the red and blue slopes in between where life can become somewhat more complicated.

Red slopes can be from 30 - 45% gradient so while some sections may be almost as benign as a green slope, you may turn a corner to face something steeper than a black slope! Granted, these sections should be short and most mountain users capable of skiing reds can cope with a little steep section here and there.

Blue runs may vary from 25 - 40% and again, steeper sections should be short but can still be hugely overwhelming for a novice skier experiencing them for the first time.

So when is a blue run not a blue run? When it becomes as steep as a red run.

Our team of BASS teachers are more than happy to introduce you to slopes that you’ll love as well as warn you about which runs to avoid. We’ll share all our secret routes that the piste map won’t show you so for your next big day out, give us a shout.


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